Published onDecember 24, 2024Easy Peasy AIAIChatBotNext.jsLLMEasy-Peasy.AI provides a suite of AI tools for content creation, transcription, text-to-speech, and image generation. Users can generate text...
Published onJune 1, 2024HoneydewNext.jsAuth0PythonZustandCI/CDCypressHoneydew is the Semantic Layer for Snowflake. Honeydew enables a shared source of truth for data teams, providing consistency...
Published onDecember 1, 2023FlycodeNext.jsNest.jsPrismaDockerFlyCode maximizes subscription revenue and reduces churn through smart retries and AI based Payment Optimization. FlyCode automatically works...
Published onMay 1, 2023ExpoplatformAINext.jsTypescriptMuiLangChainExpoplatform is the the most complete AI-Powered smart event platform, providing a comprehensive solution ...